Although breastfeeding has always been suggested by most Italian pediatricians because it is beneficial for the child’s well-being, it may happen that he or she wants to breast-feed the baby artificially with a bottle. Here then, in our opinion, the bottle warmer becomes an indispensable product to have: certainly for those who want to travel, but also at home has truly unparalleled practicality.
Bottle warmer: Do you need it?
Yes, and we reiterate it. It is indeed true that it is possible to heat the bottle even in the old way, that is to say, in a water bath inside a pot of hot water, but the bottle warmer allows to reach the desired temperature avoiding the overheating of the milk, all in a few minutes, without getting dirty and without the need for additional accessories. The same use of the microwave oven accentuates the risks of having too hot milk.
The bottle warmer can also be used not only to heat the milk inside the bottle, but also the first baby food contained in the jars.
Among the most appreciated function is keeping it warm: once the temperature has been reached, it will be kept for a certain pre-set time, before the product starts to cool. For use outside the home, there is typically the 12 Volt plug for the car, so if you intend to bring your baby in the car, you can easily use the bottle warmer simply by attaching it to the cigarette lighter. It will only take a little more patience, as it will heat up more slowly in the car.
In our opinion, the gradual heating of the milk is the winning feature of the bottle warmer: this allows not altering its composition, preserving the nutritive components essential for the growth of the child.
How the bottle warmer works
Manufacturers like Chicco, Philips claim that the bottle warmer is very easy to use: let’s see if it’s true. More or less, all are made in the same way: at the top of the product, there is a channel where you can insert the bottle, previously filled with the desired amount of milk.
At this point, simply insert the plug into the power socket, and in some models, you must select, using a special knob, if you want to heat a baby bottle or a jar with baby food since the heating times will be slightly different.
The only flaw, in some models, is that you cannot select the amount of milk and its initial temperature: this to obtain the desired final temperature, even if, often, all these data go unnoticed by the time when there we find to quickly heat the baby bottle for the child who calls for crying!
All manufacturers claim that the peculiarity of all the models on the market is to have the right weight, and the size is not excessive: even in a small kitchen table, you can find space for the bottle warmer, since you do not exceed 14 cm of depth and 17 cm in width.
On average, the product takes just over 5 minutes to heat the milk, while if the amount is less, even the heating time will tend to fall. In the car, the operation is the same, but the heating time will vary slightly, as we have indicated, it will be a little higher. Once the milk in the bottle is in temperature, the product will emit a warning beep: from this point on; the temperature will be kept for about an hour.
The most advanced models, designed for the most demanding parents, allow many more features than the basic model. Still, even if they are equipped with many accessory functions, the operation is the same: you put the bottle inside the crack and insert the plug to heat the milk contained inside.
The ” advanced ” functions concern the possibility of setting the initial temperature of the baby food, the size of the container, and 12 different programs to heat the baby food and the baby bottle. Also, these models are equipped with a small display to monitor the progress of the heating and how much is missing to reach the right temperature.
Recommended Bottle Warmer Models
In our opinion, Chicco is one of the reference brands and offers two types of models that are located exactly at the two extremes: the first is one of the simplest and most intuitive, while the other is considered one of the most modern and avant-garde between all the bottle warmers on the market.
Chicco ” basic ” model
The simplest model is also the one that has a lower cost between the two and allows you to heat the milk in a few minutes simply inserting the bottle inside the slot, selecting with the appropriate knob on the front of the product, if it is to heat a baby bottle or a jar with baby food.
The plugin of the package allows you to take it on the road and warm the bottle in the car. You cannot select the amount of milk to be heated and its initial temperature, so once the temperature has been reached, check if the temperature is right for the needs of the child. It is the following:
Chicco Digit Step Up
The Chicco model, suitable for the most demanding parents, allows you to choose between 12 different types of heating and to follow what is missing at the end of the operation thanks to a display on the front. Although it is equipped with all these additional functions, the size and weight of the product do not change: these are always models that can be placed in a small kitchen counter.
Once you have chosen the dose of milk inserted inside the bottle, you can select 3 different initial milk temperatures by simply pressing a button on the front of the product: from a lot of ice, if it was in the refrigerator, cool to room temperature. This function will prevent overheating of the milk itself and this, as we have already said, is a very important thing!
Also, before proceeding with the ignition, with another button always on the front bezel, you can select the amount of milk that we have chosen to put inside the bottle, or if it is a jar with baby food: there are 3 different amounts of milk, little or medium and a choice for the jar. At this point, just insert the plug and press the violet light switch: the rest will think the bottle warmer. Unfortunately, in this model, there are no pins to use it in the car.
Philips Avent
Another model on the market that we particularly like is that of Philips, Avent line dedicated specifically for children. Also, the bottle warmer is medium-sized to allow it to be placed on a kitchen counter.
This model, unlike the others, presents, in our opinion, a useful function: that of defrosting. It may happen that a mother wants to breastfeed, but for various reasons, should freeze their milk: in this way, you can defrost your mother’s milk in a few minutes and have it warm at the right point.
The milk will arrive at the right temperature in 3 minutes after selecting the appropriate knob if it is a small, large bottle or a jar with baby food. It should be noted that this specific model is only compatible with Avent bottles that have a completely different shape from the classic ones since they are low and squat. There is no extra plug to carry it by car, but it can only be used at home.
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