
Amazon Cyber Monday: Date, Offers, How it works?

If Black Friday is the big day of discounts on any type of product, Cyber Monday is born as a day dedicated to offers on electronic products. A date certainly to be noted for all those who are looking for new smartphones, televisions, computers, SLR, and everything related to the world of electronics and information technology.

Until a few years ago, it was like that, but today the fashion of ” Black Friday ” discounts goes so wild that most shops, online shops, and chains make a whole week of discounts, which starts on Monday before Black Friday and continues until the whole weekend.

And often also includes the appendix of ” Cyber Monday, “distorting it as well: if before it was dedicated only to ” electronic ” discounts, now during the Cyber Monday there is everything. In practice, it became the closing day of the week of discounts. It must be said that Amazon maintains a bit of tradition by offering the majority of discounts on technology items, with some better deals than Black Friday.

Let’s see some tips on how to find the best offers.

When is it? The dates to remember

Exactly as the name suggests, Cyber Monday falls on a Monday. But which Monday? What follows Black Friday? So if this is not the Black Friday falls on November 23, 2018, the Cyber Monday date will be the following Monday.

It will also be an excellent opportunity to buy the first Christmas gifts in super-offer, or finally be able to buy that product that you have always dreamed of. Here are the exact dates of this special period of Amazon discounts:

Where to find offers on Amazon

In order not to waste your time, we will immediately link the page that will collect all the offers of Cyber Monday. Click, and you’ll see them all right away. Pay attention to those ” in time “: many products are discounted every hour and not all together, so you have to come back often on the page! And pay attention to the expiry time of your favorite object!

Click here for the Cyber Monday 2018 offers on Amazon

Direct link to the page with the highest discounts, new promotional items every hour.

How was Cyber Monday born?

The day of the big discounts on Black Friday falls just two days before the Cyber Monday, so one wonders why he was born on Monday of the electronics. Do not you know that in the United States, they always think of everything? Here, they also thought of all those users who had not been able to make purchases for Black Friday, then extending the discounts on certain products up to Cyber Monday, allowing anyone late to access even the latest discounts.

But not only. The Cyber Monday was also born as a day of online discounts, to diversify the Black Friday promotions that were (initially) only in the actual stores. His birth is very recent: if to find that of Black Friday you have to go back in time for several years, Cyber Monday was born ” only ” in 2005. And of course, Amazon has seized the opportunity to prolong the sales of products at a discount.

How do the balances work?

What if we told you to bet everything on Cyber Monday? Often the big discount week begins with the Monday before Black Friday, so that offers are extended for the week. Cyber Monday marks the end of the crazy week, so it can happen that many e-commerce sites, including Amazon, discount those items that during Black Friday were not sold or whose sale did not go as planned.

For this reason, during Cyber Monday, you can find discounts that come to almost 70% even on items from current collections or products just come out.

How long are Cyber Monday discounts?

Only Monday! So as soon as you have found the item you are interested in, proceed with the purchase, so much the discounted price will not go down again. We emphasize this point because so many products are sold out in no time, and Amazon will not renew the offer of a sold-out item!

Click here for the best Cyber Monday offers

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